Hi, I'm Marc, the creator of Leafpub. Thanks for trying it out! I spent the last two years building Leafpub because I wanted to bring a better publishing experience to designers, developers, and bloggers everywhere. If you enjoy using Leafpub, please pay it forward by telling someone about it or
Hulda Clark was a naturopath who was dedicated to curing disease through clean environment,good food, and the removal of pathogenic organisms which she loosely referred to as parasites. One of her methods was to use an electronic device that she called a zapper or a parasite zapper. The principle
Leafpub is Free Software There's "free" as in freedom and "free" as in beer, and while I very much appreciate both of those things, it's important to remember that even though software may be free, it takes a lot of time and money to develop, maintain, and support. I'm a
Themes Leafpub templates are built with a simple but powerful template system called Handlebars. If you've never used Handlebars before, you're in for a treat. Handlebar templates are easy to create and don't require any PHP programming whatsoever. The easiest way to get started is to open the .hbs files
Leafpub is the first open source publishing platform to feature true WYSIWYG editing. No more forms or rich-text controls — it's just like typing on the live webpage. Here are some tips for using the editor. The Toolbar The toolbar has all the options you're familiar with. You can format